Perinatal Support

Perinatal Support Group in Portland

Are you a new mom seeking support during the postpartum period? Join us for a six-week, in-person therapy group specifically designed to provide mothers of infants aged 0-12 months with the tools and resources to navigate the unique challenges of early motherhood. Led by experienced therapist Robbin Schrith, MA, this group offers a compassionate community and practical guidance to help you thrive as a new mom.

anxiety in children

What You’ll Gain

  • Supportive Community: Connect with other moms in a nurturing and understanding environment, sharing experiences and offering each other support.
  • Knowledge About Postpartum Mental Health: Gain insights into postpartum mental health issues and learn strategies for recognizing and managing them effectively.
  • Skills for Building Your Identity as a Mom: Explore ways to nurture your sense of self and build a fulfilling identity as a mother while balancing your own needs and those of your baby.
  • Strategies for Managing Postpartum Stress: Acquire practical tools and coping mechanisms to navigate the stressors and challenges commonly experienced during the postpartum period.

At Family Roots Therapy, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive support to new moms during the postpartum period. Whether you’re navigating feelings of overwhelm, adjusting to your new role, or simply seeking connection with other moms, this group offers a supportive space where you can find guidance and camaraderie.

To reserve your spot or learn more about our postpartum support group, please contact us today. You don’t have to navigate this journey alone—we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Reach out here for more information on current and upcoming groups

7346 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, OR 97213

1235 SE Morrison St Suite 200
Portland, OR 97213

family counseling