Supporting Body Trust in our Tweens

Supporting Body Trust in our Tweens

By  Kristen Scher, Graduate Student Intern at Family Roots Therapy, certified Body Trust Provider and Intuitive Eating Coach. Think back to when you first noticed feeling negatively about your body image. How old were you? Many adults say they had good self esteem...
Social Anxiety in Adolescents

Social Anxiety in Adolescents

For adolescents with social anxiety the pandemic could be described as, for lack of a better word, a rollercoaster.  As a child and family therapist, I have had an up close look at the many peaks and valleys. When lockdown began for some the pandemic was seen as a...
What is Attachment?

What is Attachment?

“Attachment” has become somewhat of a buzzword that is often misunderstood and misused in the parenting world. I work with parents and young children in therapy around issues with attachment, and I find that most people want some clarification on what attachment is...
Parenting with Anxiety

Parenting with Anxiety

I often write about helping kids cope with anxiety or recognizing anxiety in children, but what about when parents are dealing with anxiety themselves? Anxiety can be sneaky. It’s often not immediately recognized as anxiety and it can sometimes feel like it comes out...